Thursday, 30 January 2014

Let's get inspired!

Will your 2014 be everything you hope for? Will it be better? Different than last year? Yes! Every day is different ladies! Good days, bad days - our lives are constantly changing, so just enjoy the unknowing and surprising ride!

However, this pressure we put on ourselves for another new year...'I'll go to the gym, I'll wear those expensive shoes I have only worn once, I'll call my Granny more!'...Whatever it is you want to change, what's stopping you?

A great friend of mine, Anna Reynolds, an inspiring woman and wonderful soul, passed on a perfect paradox I thought was so appropriate for the beginning of a new year.

'Stop making it about you if you want to create the life you say you want. Shift your state of mind and ask yourself, how can I be valuable to others?'

One of my favourite things is the ocean. Wherever I am in the world, if I can get close to the sea, the waves, the sand between my toes, I seem to let the wind blow any cobwebs or worries away. It reminds me of just how little I am, a speck in the world; not in a bad way, not insignificant but that the niggles or worries I do have, well it puts them into perspective. I can challenge that worry and solve or resolve it - usually it isn't anything to worry about anyway! We can't change what's done, we can only create the now, and not predict or assume the future. Let it go. See the love in everything. Send in some pics and share with us! Don't you just love what happened when I was having breakfast the other morning! 

 'Seeing the love in everything!'
'Hearts Everywhere!' Look for the Love!'
How do we keep to the things we say we want to achieve, or our resolutions this year? Simple. Take advantage of your good intentions and moments of clarity. Take the actions that would commit us to making good decisions in the future. It's a bit like knowing full well how you feel in the morning when you have that 'one more drink', or knowing that when you have dark chocolate you get a headache.

Picture that feeling and memorise it. Visualise the way it makes you breathe, move, frown. See yourself in the mirror and remember that 'sigh' and the fact the whole day is just a little bit annoying and slow. It's only because you are cross with yourself for losing that strength within. If you search for that feeling, the disappointed feeling, it will do wonders for the choices you make this year. I know I harp on about it but boiling the kettle and having a tea does always help! That or hot water and some lemon if you're not a tea person!

Above all, give yourself a break! Nothing is set in stone. If you've said, 'I'm not going to spend money on things I don't need, if you do it once and allow yourself that treat, you're more likely not to do it anyway but if you do, you've allowed yourself that guilt free card and instead of wallowing in it, you just carry on as normal. You can't change what you've done, you can just forgive yourself, remember the feeling and go on with life knowing you are growing and changing without the hassle we usually give ourselves!

Warmest Inspirational Swishes,
London Frock Exchange

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